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2024-04-10 07:54:40

This super sounds like re-introducing symbolic #AI using machine learning systems to build options to run goal-oriented optimization functions on. Like I wonder how OpenAI et al will re-brand all the old methods like simulated annealing etc. and claim to have invented the future.
2024-04-08 14:34:26

The local 10K run in #PortAlberni is growing steadily. Just under 500 people finished the race yesterday. 🏃‍♂️ 🏃
I've never been a runner so I didn't participate but maybe I'll volunteer next year.
Useless fact: The square bit on the map was part of a paper route I had for a summer. That portion is about 8km. My route was also about 10k and a big reason I got i…

A map from Strava shows the route through the back roads of Port Alberni with various small sections in a list below.
2024-04-10 17:31:09

ÖPNV im Saalekreis: Bekommt Merseburg mehr Straßenbahnlinien?
Industriegebiet Leuna III, der Hochschul Campus mit dem neuen Großforschungszentrum für Chemie - Merseburg wächst. Bei Stadt und Havag weckt das Überlegungen, ob sich neue Viertel per Straßenbahn erschließen lassen. Eine Machbarkeitsstudie soll das jetzt klären.
2024-04-09 02:04:23

If we met today at #MarioKart8 on #WiiU, pls let me know y’all pretendo usernames!
I’m Luana and my Nintendo ID is LuanaNeder
I’m still figuring out what username I’ll choose in pretendo (rn I have an account with the same username as my nintendo one, but apparently you can login if you use the same username so I’ll pro have to make a new pretendo account). Lmk y’all usernames and I’ll follow you when I’ve figured it out!
2024-03-07 14:02:19

Just leaving this here in case it helps anyone else.
Arch Linux made the KDE Plasma 6 update available last night. After applying it and rebooting, my laptop just gave me a black screen with a mouse cursor after booting into graphical mode.
After much cursing and attempting to lookup technical websites on my phone (yuk. huge yuk) I eventually solved it by uninstalling sddm (the graphical login manager), at which point I could login to a shell prompt and run startplasma-wayl…
2024-04-07 14:33:01

🧵 Thread: Re-plugging an old article that my friend, mentee and former colleague Mythri Prabhakara wrote about learning digital security over approximately 8 months while navigating her #neurodivergence and other intersectional identities, and a pandemic to boot.
(I’ve shared an archived link because the footnotes and text currently displaying are a bit weird.)
2024-03-08 07:19:43

High order congruences for $M$-ary partitions
B{\l}a\.zej \.Zmija…
2024-04-05 21:18:50

Also, Luminar Neo is available on sale for 83% off its original price. Of course they run subscriptions, but one-time payment is still possible.
After a few moments with free trial I'm not exactly sold, but it has one particular advantage over the one I use.
Apparently it supports HEIC and DNG files from both of my phones.
2024-04-11 08:39:57

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-04-25 21:17:34

"I Sverige liksom i många andra länder har legitimeringen av den auktoritära högerpopulismens retorik och politik fått tuppkammen att växa också på nazismens och extremhögerns ligistskvadroner.
Hotet mot demokratin är globalt. Och, som det visar sig i Gubbängen, lokalt."
Läs Björn Wiman.